Top 5 Effective Acne Treatments Men Must Try Today

People of all ages and genders experience acne, a common skin ailment. However, males may experience it more frequently than women. Even though it’s often linked to puberty, acne can last into adulthood. Many efficient therapies are accessible to help men fight acne and attain clearer, healthier skin. This post will discuss the top 5 acne treatments that work best for guys nowadays.

Topical Over-the-Counter (OTC) Treatments

Incorporating over-the-counter (OTC) topical medications into your skincare routine is one of the first steps in treating acne. Benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or alpha hydroxy acids are standard active components in these treatments that work to unclog pores, soothe inflammation, and regulate excessive oil production.

Here are a few well-liked over-the-counter choices:

  • Benzoyl peroxide is a potent antibacterial agent that eliminates the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria, which causes acne. Additionally, it aids in skin exfoliation and reduces irritation.
  • Salicylic acid, a beta hydroxy acid that reaches the pores and aids in removing dead skin cells to prevent blockages, is another option. It is particularly effective in treating blackheads and whiteheads.
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) are exfoliating substances that can help improve skin texture and lessen acne scars. Examples of AHAs include glycolic acid and lactic acid.

It’s important to carefully read the directions and exercise patience while using OTC topical treatments because it can take a few weeks to notice any changes.

Topical Medications on Prescription

Prescription-strength topical medicines may be required for more severe cases of acne. A dermatologist can advise and prescribe these treatments based on your unique needs.

Prescription alternatives include:

  • Topical antibiotics can be administered directly to the skin to reduce inflammation and inhibit bacterial development. Examples include erythromycin and clindamycin.
  • Retinoids are potent substances generated from vitamin A, including tretinoin and adapalene. They function by preventing clogged pores and enhancing cell turnover, which aids in the treatment of current acne and deters the development of new breakouts.
  • Combination Therapies: Several prescriptions combine medicinal ingredients to treat various aspects of acne. For instance, clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide products can be antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

The usage of prescription topical drugs should be done under the supervision of a medical practitioner because they may have adverse effects and need to be closely monitored.

Drugs Taken Orally

Oral medicines may be required to control outbreaks internally in severe or cystic acne situations. These remedies, which a dermatologist frequently suggests, consist of:

  • Antibiotics taken orally: Such as doxycycline and minocycline, are frequently prescribed to treat bacterial overgrowth and inflammation. They are often employed as temporary treatments.
  • Oral Contraceptives: Birth control pills, which decrease hormone levels and lessen acne flare-ups, can help women with some hormonal acne.
  • Isotretinoin (Accutane): A potent oral drug, treats severe acne that doesn’t respond to other therapies. It reduces inflammation and shrinks oil glands, but it needs to be closely monitored due to potential adverse effects.

Laser and Light Therapy

The use of light and laser therapy as acne remedies has gained favor. These treatments reduce inflammation while focusing on the acne-causing bacteria.

Two popular choices are:

  • Blue light therapy: Blue light therapy uses particular light wavelengths to eliminate the germs that cause acne. Red light therapy is frequently combined with it to lessen inflammation.
  • Laser Therapy: Laser procedures like fractional laser therapy can lighten acne scars and smooth the skin’s texture. They function by promoting collagen synthesis and skin resurfacing.
skin resurfacing

Cosmetic Peels

A chemical solution is applied to the skin in a chemical peel, exfoliating the top layer to reveal smoother, cleaner skin.

Chemical peels are helpful in the management of acne because they:

  • Exfoliate the skin to clear clogged pores.
  • Diminish the visibility of acne scars.
  • Enhance the tone and texture of the skin.

It would be best if you spoke with a dermatologist to choose the right kind and strength of chemical peel for your skin type and level of acne.


Although acne can be a distressing and confidence-eroding problem, men can have clear, healthy skin with the correct treatments. Several alternatives are available to manage your acne troubles, whether you start with OTC topical treatments or need more rigorous therapy like oral pills or laser procedures. Remember that each person will respond to these treatments differently, so speak with a dermatologist to develop a personalized acne treatment regimen that works for your requirements and skin type. You can control your acne and profit from clearer, smoother skin with persistence and patience.